UPCOMING EVENTS:Oct. 2nd- 5:45 PM Girls Basketball Clov vs. Mag- OHS Small Gym. - 7:00 PM Boys Basketball Clov vs. Mag- OHS Main Gym Oct. 3rd- Principal's Math Test Oct. 4th- Gold Star Math Test Oct. 4th- Cloverland Special Spirit Day- WEAR PINK to promote cancer awareness for this month. Oct. 9th- Jog-a-thon online donations shut off at 11:59 PM Oct. 11th- Jog-a-thon and Minimum Day. TK is dismissed at 11:35 AM and K-6th grade at 12:00 PM Oct. 16th- Picture retakes https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/89837SC Nov. 1st- Minimum Day. TK is dismissed at 11:35 AM and K-6th grade at 12:00 PM
Use order Code: 89822ZB
News & Announcements
The Online Data Confirmation window opens on July 17th through August 7th, 2023. Please visit the Online Data Confirmation Information Page.
We are hiring. Visit Edjoin for more information!
Click here for more information about the before and after school programs and access to EZChildTrack.